Set up and maintain Irish companies quickly simply and easily.

Setting up a company in Ireland can be a headache. We help accountants, tax, legal advisors and their entrepreneurial clients set up and maintain Irish companies quickly simply and easily.

No surprises and no delays. Just visibility and clarity.

How we can help

When you have decided to establish your business in Ireland the company formation process can be painful and frustrating.  What should be a simple and professional process, sometimes doesn’t feel very professional. Not everyone is playing to the same standard.

How we make it easy for you

Save Time

Our company formation process is different. We built a bespoke platform so that advisors and business owners can get their company formed as quickly and simply as possible.

No back and forth with agents. No messing. No hassle – name check, sign forms and constitution, incorporate, job done.

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Reduce Hassle

Our online platform allows you track the progress of your company as it moves through the incorporation process.

A simple process, with simpler communications and simplified incorporation.

Quality Guaranteed

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We're more than just a company

Our team is a blended combination of accountants, company secretarial experts and tax advisors.

When we incorporate and maintain your company it is much more than just another company formation

We have been advising accountants, tax advisors and when we help you get the benefit of 20 years’ experience

The Irish Business Formation Path

Our process gives your visability and clarity on your formation across every step of the process:


3 Star
Bronze Formation

352 Including Vat and Filing Fees
  • Quick Start Professional Formation Package
  • Irish Company Incorporated with the CRO
  • Company Register - Digital
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4 Star
Gold Formation

500 Including Vat and Filing Fees
  • Quick Start Professional Formation Package
  • Irish Company Incorporated with the CRO
  • Company Register - Digital and Hardcopy
  • 4 Printed and Bound Company Constitutions
  • Company Seal
  • Access to 3 Part Business Training Programme Bundle - Establishing a Business in Ireland

5 Star
Platinum Formation

1000 Including Vat and Filing Fees
  • Quick Start Professional Formation Package
  • Irish Company Incorporated with the CRO
  • Company Register - Digital and Hardcopy
  • 4 Printed and Bound Company Constitutions
  • Company Seal
  • Irish Business Establishment Scoping Session
  • 12 Months Access to Business Support Hub
Most Popular

Funding Partners

This platform could not have been made possible without the financial support of our dedicated funding partners. We would like to thank them for their continued support.

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powered by the OmniPro Group



Company Registration Ireland
Main Street

T: +353 (0) 53 910 0000
E: [email protected]

OmniPro Group, 2021
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